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Hello World!

ยท 2 min read
Mikko Berg
Senior Consultant @ Sulava

Warmest of welcomes to my blog. I thought it would be nice to first start things off by explaining my intentions with this blog - and what would be more fitting than a classic "Hello World"!

Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

What's the point ๐ŸŽฏ?โ€‹

The main objective here is to create content about things that I've needed to research and stitch together into a logical post - naturally to help out someone who's searching for the same answers as I did. Of course I'm not going to forget the basics. To reiterate, heres some ideas:

โœ… Basics on Power Platform and Azure
โœ… Technical tutorials on how to do advanced things
โœ… Best practices
โœ… Other new or interesting stuff I wanted to share

Now, I know there is a lot of blogs out there, especially technical blogs, so what makes my blog stand out?

The content here is going to relate fully or in some capacity to my career, which is Microsoft Power Platform consultancy, as well as Azure. I'm a strong believer in Fusion Development, so I'll do my best to bring out the best in both in my series of blogs!

Can you help me?โ€‹

Yes, please! I am new to blogging and open for all and any feedback. Also as I get things rolling and you find my writing helpfull, please submit your idea for my next blog as an issue on my websites repository.

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰ if you got this far, thank you so much for reading!